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About Us - SoGol Art Gallery


about Our gallery

Soheila Golestani (SoGol) is a London based artist. She studied art, design and photography. Her focus is on drawing, painting figures and portrait.
Art has always been a big part of her identity and she decided to become an artist when she was a little kid. It was not a difficult choice, for she has been drawing for as long as she can remember. Her curiosity about animals drove her to draw them on a daily basis. It became the predominant subject of her imagination.
Growing up she got more and more fascinated by her surroundings as well as her inside life. After some trauma in her private life she started to look at the universe in a different way. She started to move towards something new. This completely changed her pathway and she came up with the term quantum abstract to define her style. Her textural effects and rhythms are namely closely related to those found in nature in its many manifestations and synchronicities. In this sense, her work is completely contemporary as well as archaic. The abstract shapes, colour fields and marks all have a natural quality.
Her personal style can be best described as quantum. She has stablished Tranquillity by SG to exhibit her artwork in the SoGol art gallery.


about Our Cafe

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